the communication & soft skills specialist

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 Article | Digital 

More heart, less head: Why people-focussed leadership is needed right now

In the fast-paced and uncertain world of 2023, change seems to be accelerating on a global scale. Industries are transitioning, corporations are undergoing restructures, and the aftermath of the COVID pandemic and natural disasters has left many grappling with a mix of big emotions and reactions. In these challenging times, the need for people-focussed leadership […]

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 Article | Digital 

Catch people doing the right thing and tell them

One of the most important interruptions you can make in a staff member’s day when you’re a leader is to catch them doing the right thing and then praise them for it – as specifically as possible. Reinforcing positive behaviour is an often overlooked yet powerful leadership strategy, particularly at times of high stress and […]

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 Article | Digital 

Catch people doing the right thing and tell them

One of the most important interruptions you can make in a staff member’s day when you’re a leader is to catch them doing the right thing and then praise them for it – as specifically as possible. Reinforcing positive behaviour is an often overlooked yet powerful leadership strategy, particularly at times of high stress and […]

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 Article | Digital 

How to de-escalate conflict with empathy

Of the many tools available for de-escalating conflict, one reigns supreme for reducing tension quickly: empathy. Why? Because empathy builds trust and allows people to feel seen and heard – and everyone wants that.

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Leah Mether is a  communication and soft skills trainer obsessed with making the people part of leadership and work life easier.
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