the communication & soft skills specialist

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A four-part framework for communicating in uncertainty

We’ve all heard the saying “no news is good news” but often, particularly at times of uncertainty when you know change is brewing, this is not the case. In fact, not only is no news not good news, frequently, it is even WORSE than bad news, because it adds to uncertainty and anxiety. In a […]

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 Article | Digital 

What to do when they’re not ok

Coaching conversations are powerful. Sometimes showing you care and creating space for someone to share can expose challenges you didn’t know existed. You may discover someone on your team is not coping with the change at all. Knowing what to do if this happens can save a life. “But Leah, this is exactly why I […]

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Are you a steamroller, shirker or steerer when leading through change?

There are three common responses I see from leaders when leading through change. They are: Steamroller, shirker and steerer. The steamroller tries to force change with a command and control ‘tell’ approach without addressing the legitimate concerns, questions and feelings of their people. The shirker avoids leadership by sticking their head in the sand and […]

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Increase your emotional vocabulary

If I asked you to describe how you feel about work right now, using two words, what would they be? And “good” is not an answer. Could you do it? Could you pinpoint the main emotions or feelings you’re experiencing? I often use this question at the start of my workshops to get a read […]

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EQ is the new IQ

Feelings and emotions underpin everything that we do. They drive human behaviour – our choices, decisions, performance and actions. We ignore them at our peril. American academic and author Brené Brown nailed it in her bestselling book Dare to Lead when she wrote: “Leaders must either invest a reasonable amount of time attending to fears […]

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Stay hard on the issue, soft on the person

A difficult conversation doesn’t have to be unkind. In fact, you can have the most challenging conversations with genuine care, kindness and empathy. Think delivering tough feedback. Giving a reprimand for poor behaviour. Ending a relationship. Even making someone redundant. While you may need to stay hard on the issue, be clear and direct, and […]

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Behaviour is more important to manage than performance

Behaviour is more important to manage than performance. Or rather, behaviour is a core component of performance. Yet far too often, leaders let poor behaviour go unchecked because someone is considered a ‘good operator’. Nothing kills culture quicker than poor behaviour, particularly if it is excused and not addressed. It doesn’t matter if that person […]

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Boundaries and compassion go hand and hand

Leading through change is often a long game. It takes stamina and resilience. That is why setting, holding and protecting your own personal boundaries is essential. The only way you’ll be able to give and maintain compassion to your team through the stress of change is if you’re in good shape yourself. And the only […]

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 Article | Digital 

Lessons I’ve (re)learned to get through hard times in 2022

It has been a while since I’ve shown up in your inbox. I considered what I would say about that, and in true Leah style, in the end I decided to be honest. This year has been tough. Professionally, it has been wonderful. I’ve achieved my goals, supported many of you with training and mentoring […]

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Leah Mether is a  communication and soft skills trainer obsessed with making the people part of leadership and work life easier.
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