the communication & soft skills specialist

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Browse Emotional Intelligence

 Article | Digital 

10 tips for communicating at Christmas

1. Remember, the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. Be prepared, don’t be surprised. Rather than expecting someone to change, hoping they don’t say or do that thing, or playing over in your mind how angry they will make you, accept that this is who they are and don’t be surprised by their […]

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 Article | Digital 

Why your people can’t just ‘get on with it’ when dealing with change

As a leader, supporting your people through change can feel relentless. It is often exhausting and frustrating. Sometimes you may not feel like you’re leading at all, rather you feel like you’re dragging, pushing, pulling, cajoling and fighting tantruming toddlers. Or like you’re stuck in one of those nightmares where you’re trying to move forward […]

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 Article | Digital 

Look After Yourself

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had many conversations with people who are not at their best. They’re tired, stressed and overwhelmed. Some are navigating big changes in their workplaces and job uncertainty. Others are struggling with exhaustion after a long and challenging year. Their tolerance is shot and they’re getting frustrated and snappy. To […]

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 Article | Digital 

Ask great questions (note: “Any questions?” is not one of them)

Greg stood in front of his department after finishing a presentation on the new redundancyand restructure program that would be introduced in the coming months in a bid to reducethe workforce by 20 percent. “Any questions?” he asked, looking around the sea of 60+ faces. No one put their hand up. No one answered. “None […]

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 Article | Digital 

Are you a steamroller, shirker or steerer when leading through change?

There are three common responses I see from leaders when leading through change. They are: Steamroller, shirker and steerer. The steamroller tries to force change with a command and control ‘tell’ approach without addressing the legitimate concerns, questions and feelings of their people. The shirker avoids leadership by sticking their head in the sand and […]

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 Article | Digital 

Increase your emotional vocabulary

If I asked you to describe how you feel about work right now, using two words, what would they be? And “good” is not an answer. Could you do it? Could you pinpoint the main emotions or feelings you’re experiencing? I often use this question at the start of my workshops to get a read […]

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Leah Mether is a  communication and soft skills trainer obsessed with making the people part of leadership and work life easier.
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